The next generation to come of age is going to ask “what did you do to help alleviate climate change?”
Do you have an answer for them? Here are some ways that you can help make a difference.
Learn the strategies, skills and frameworks to drive ambitious climate initiatives at work and help your own and other businesses decarbonise faster and rapidly transition into a renewable energy economy.
Switch to 100% renewable energy, a net zero target. Create a roadmap for employees or colleagues to follow in how to make that change at work.
Influence from the middle or up at a company. Regardless of how senior you are at work there is the urgency of climate and it will take systemic change. There’s a powerful and important need to make change and small business owners and employees can make a huge difference.
There is resistance of course, businesses and business owners can be nervous about short term profit but transformation to renewable energy and emissions reduction can be reframed as efficiency projects.
We are in a unique moment of time where we have an opportunity to establish ourselves in the renewable energy and zero emissions economy. The advantage is you can move swiftly and optimize on the profit potential before your competition and are contributing to the systemic change that needs to happen.
Here are inspirational and achievable ways to make a difference and make sure that you can answer that question from the next generation.
- Switching to 100% renewable energy
- Rapidly transitioning to zero emissions
- Where do you do your banking or super fund? Where do they invest the money and is it aligned, if not, suggest to your boss an institution that does
- Become influential. Get the business to advocate for progressive climate policy sign up to a pledge publicly.